A drug addict staring at the flame while battling relapse

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A drug addict staring at the flame while battling relapse

Why Do Drug Addicts Relapse? Exploring the Reasons

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Why do some drug addicts keep relapsing while other people seem to embrace recovery and start living a successful, drug-free life again? The question confounds us all and has been discussed at great length. Here are some of the reasons that we have found that people continue to fail and what to do for relapse on drug prevention.

Let’s move beyond judgment and delve deep into understanding the reasons a person chooses drugs over sobriety and loses hope of breaking the chains of addiction. 

10 Reasons Why Drug Addicts Relapse

Relapse is a common and challenging aspect of the journey towards recovery from drug addiction. It's a process, not a single event, and understanding the reasons behind it is crucial for effective prevention and support. Despite the commitment to sobriety, many recovering addicts face hurdles that can lead them back to drug use. This complex issue is influenced by a variety of factors, ranging from personal struggles to environmental triggers.

In the following section, we will delve into the "10 Reasons Why Drug Addicts Relapse," offering insights into these contributing factors. Recognizing and addressing these reasons is key to developing stronger, more effective strategies for long-term recovery and relapse prevention.

1. Some People Just aren’t Ready to Quit

The younger you are, the harder it is to make the commitment to quit using drugs. This is because the typical addict's mind still equates drug use and getting high with “having fun.” It can take several years to realize that beating your head against a wall with drug and alcohol addiction is no longer fun but is instead ruining your life. People struggle with addiction for years in complete misery before they realize that “it isn’t fun anymore.” What might seem obvious to an outsider is very difficult for the addict to grasp because they are right in the thick of it. This is called denial. We hang on to the few good memories we have of “having fun” with drugs and alcohol, and we block out the bad memories.

2. Get Caught in a Bad Environment

This might sound like an excuse, but it can be very true for some. If an addict lives in an unhealthy situation that has constant drug and alcohol use, then getting clean is going to be very difficult indeed. For these folks, long-term treatment centers might be the best option, but some people are not in a position to go to one (for example, they might have children to take care of).

3. Lacking Focus on Spiritual Growth

It can seem a bit counter-intuitive, but focusing on spiritual growth is one of the big keys to recovery. Any addict or alcoholic who doesn’t “get it” is in danger of relapsing, and it is only through a spiritual awakening that a person can enjoy a long-term change in themselves. This has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with spiritual growth. Meaning a complete change in personality—one that is great enough to overcome the selfishness of drug-seeking behavior. This is the key to lasting recovery.

4. Emotional Traumas

One of the reasons why some individuals relapse may be due to emotional trauma in life, such as a violent act or abuse. Experiencing these is exceptionally tough under any circumstances. However, making an attempt to recover through expertise and conjointly keeping up sobriety needs superb strength to avoid falling back into addiction.

5. Partying with Drugs

Everyone likes to assemble with friends and family and have a decent time. Sadly, several celebrations involve some form of substance, whether or not it’s planned alcoholic toast throughout a retirement party, marijuana use at a casual gathering, or drug use at a raucous concert.

Although it’s exceptionally troublesome to avoid one’s friends and family once they are a unit celebrating, it’s a decent plan to remain home from the festivities if there’s any potential for the introduction of substances at the gathering. The briefest interaction with the supply of a person’s addiction will trigger a relapse.

6. Incomplete Recovery or Lack Drug Relapse Prevention Plan

Sometimes, people simply aren’t able to live through addiction. Trying to live a sober way of life won’t work unless they have worked through their demons. People need to accept that life depends upon remaining sober. A person can pursue a path to recovery. However, it’s very crucial to understand once addiction continues to be in the events of a person’s life, real recovery isn’t complete.

7. High Stressful Situations

Stress is common in modern life. It’s necessary for anyone seeking permanent recovery from addiction to think about how it may be applicable to reducing stress. This would possibly need some major changes in life. However, since stress is one of the common reasons for relapse, such changes are necessary.

Meditation or alternative exercises for the mind would possibly facilitate reducing stress.

8. Boredom and Isolation

When an addict is left alone with their thoughts and emotions, they easily get bored and isolated. Individuals new to sobriety get a lot of time on their hands after they’re done with appointments, which makes them feel bored and isolated, making them want to relapse. One should fill their days with recovery-related behaviors like exercising, cooking, going to support groups, or picking up a new hobby to tackle boredom. However, it’s not healthy to pack a day with activities after appointments while ignoring one’s thoughts and emotions.

9. Relationships and Intimacy

A new sober person should avoid getting into a new relationship, as dating and intimacy may include alcohol, which can put the individual in a triggering situation. Some may want to fill the void created by addiction with intimacy, which can be a sensitive area for a new sober person. Relationships can also trigger unwanted emotions while arguing, and the individual may not know how to cope with them. Recovery is a place for personal growth and development, and having a relationship may jeopardize that.

10. Poor Self-Care

Poor self-care will make you feel unwanted and unloved, which can trigger a relapse, whereas good self-care will make you feel good about yourself. When rebuilding your life after addiction, it’s important to take care of yourself. For example, if you eat junk food, it affects your physiological and psychological health badly and triggers the feeling of using substances, whereas eating healthy boosts your health. Poor sleep hygiene can make people irritated and stressed, which is another trigger point.

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Strategies for Sustaining Recovery: Preventing Drug Relapse

Achieving sobriety is a significant milestone in the journey of recovery from drug addiction, but maintaining it requires continuous effort and vigilance. Relapse prevention is a critical component of this journey, involving strategies that help individuals resist the urge to return to drug use. These strategies are not just about avoiding substances; they encompass a holistic approach to changing lifestyle, mindset, and coping mechanisms.

  1. Keep Yourself Busy: to divert your attention from drugs or alcohol, engage yourself in productive and fun activities like exercising or taking up a new hobby. 
  2. Avoid Triggers: you know your triggers, like the place you used for drugs or the people who are still submerged in drugs. Avoid all of them. 
  3. Have a Support System: find a friend who understands your struggles and supports your emotional needs during difficult times.
  4. Practice Self-Care: adopting a healthy lifestyle boosts your overall well-being and reduces the risk of relapse. 
  5. Seek Professional Help: The journey to sobriety needs professional help. Talk to a mental health professional, which can save you from relapsing. 

Taking Action After Relapse: What Should You Do If You Relapse?

If you are struggling with drug or alcohol abuse and finding it hard to break free, you must make prompt decisions and seek professional help immediately. We at Cadabams understand the problems faced by an addict, and that’s why we offer an evidence-based treatment approach tailored to your needs.

Find Lasting Recovery Solutions for Drug Relapse with Cadabams

Cadabams offers comprehensive recovery solutions for individuals facing drug relapse, emphasizing personalized care and support. Their approach combines evidence-based therapies with holistic treatment modalities, ensuring a well-rounded recovery journey. With a team of experienced professionals, Cadabams focuses on addressing the root causes of addiction, offering coping strategies, and fostering a supportive community environment. Their programs are designed to empower individuals for lasting recovery, making Cadabams a trusted choice for those seeking to overcome drug relapse and rebuild their lives.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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1. At what stage does drug relapse occur?

Drug relapse occurs in the maintenance stage of recovery after an individual has achieved initial treatment goals. This stage is critical as it involves continuing to apply coping strategies to prevent a return to substance use.

2. What diseases can drug relapse?

Drug relapse can exacerbate or lead to various diseases, including mental health disorders like depression and anxiety, cardiovascular diseases, liver diseases, and infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis, due to compromised health practices and risky behaviors.

3. What is one risk factor for drug addiction?

One significant risk factor for drug addiction is genetic predisposition. Individuals with a family history of addiction are at a higher risk due to genetic factors that can affect the likelihood of substance abuse and addiction, illustrating the complex interplay between genetics and environment in the development of addiction.

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