Workplace Drug Abuse Challenges

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Workplace Drug Abuse Challenges

Addressing Workplace Drug Abuse Challenges

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Have you ever shown up at your workplace in a hungover state? Probably yes. Drinking once in a blue moon with your colleagues is fine, but if it starts affecting your mindset and work and disturbs your workplace environment, it’s time to step back and reflect upon your actions.

According to one of the studies conducted by NDDTC, AIIMS, New Delhi, nearly 8.5 lakh people in India suffer from drug addiction and alcohol addiction problems while being employed.

Surprising, isn’t it?

Through this guide, we aim to make you understand how to prevent substance abuse in the workplace, the different drug abuse policies for the workplace, how you can identify abuse in employees as well as why Cadabam’s Hospital is best for drug addiction treatment.

With over two decades of experience, Cadabam’s Hospital is a pioneer known for providing its patients with personalized 24/7 medical care in conjunction with a plethora of treatment plans for drug addiction and other substance abuse disorders. After analyzing your symptoms, our multidisciplinary team of experts recommends the best treatment plan that suits your needs and ensures that your recovery takes place in a holistic environment.

Signs of Substance Abuse in the Workplace

Signs of substance abuse are often difficult to detect in the workplace. However, there are a set of signs that you could look out for, including:

  • Decreased performance and productivity
  • Being absent from work
  • A sudden drop in work quality and quantity
  • A drastic change in appearance 
  • Changes in the way a person speaks and behaves, and regular mood swings.

Remember, these are only indicative signs and not markers for diagnosis. If you or someone you know is battling issues with substance abuse, seek professional help immediately!

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‍How to identify drug abuse in employees?

Are you one of those leaders who’s always worried about your team’s performance and suspect that one of your work members is abusing drugs? If yes, then keep a tab if any of your colleagues is showing the following drug addict signs:

  • Feeling exhausted at all times and falling asleep at work
  • Committing a lot of silly mistakes
  • Vanishing to the back alley or washroom frequently in lieu of taking drugs
  • Frequently missing office without prior notification, project deadlines, and appointments
  • Abrupt mood swings
  • Paranoia
  • Unable to concentrate and memory retention issues
  • Lack of personal hygiene

Suppose you’re noticing any of the aforementioned red flags in your co-workers. In that case, you must let them know how it’s deteriorating their bodily function, waning out their performance, and making the effects of substance abuse at work become apparent.

What is the Role of Leadership in Addressing Workplace Drug Abuse?

The leadership of an organization plays a crucial role in addressing workplace drug abuse. Right from the culture they establish to the kind of workplace environment they end up building, it all adds up. 

The leadership needs to have strong systems in place to improve employee well-being at the workplace while also having clear guidelines to ensure employees are aware of what is okay and what is not. Having clear communication and safe spaces within the organization also helps in mitigating any future issues. 

‍Prevention of Drug Addiction

Drug abuse at the workplace can hamper your business. Higher absenteeism, lower productivity, and other noticeable signs risk damaging your work culture at multiple levels. Thus, to ensure none of your team members are abusing drugs or any other substance at work, implement the below pointers and create a substance-free work environment for your workforce:

  • The arrangements for substance maltreatment in the working environment should be clarified in the norms of the association and how the association will treat these sorts of representatives.
  • There ought to be composed strategy articulations, which the workers and the businesses know about.
  • There can be a pre-work drug test and a business drug test-which can be a screening drug test and these are disclosed to the representatives well ahead of time.
  • These approaches express the infringement of rules and the separate outcomes like compensation derivation or even end.
  • Preparing to the director's chiefs are very much aware of the organization’s arrangements notices and facing unsuitable occupation execution to the laborers.
  • Associations can give mental advising administrations to the representatives, not just for drug misuse but rather for, by and large, prosperity.

Techniques for Creating a Drug-Free Workplace Culture

While there are multiple ways of creating a drug-free workplace culture, there are certain techniques that seem to work best. These include:

  • Having a clear written workplace drug policy including effective employee education and resolution pathways.
  • Encourage assistance programs when an employee is going through difficult times.
  • Build a culture of open communication and support throughout the organization. 

‍Drug Addiction and Prevention Policies for Workplace: What You Must Know

Having a dedicated policy for drug abuse at your workplace helps a lot. If you’re considering creating a similar policy, you can consider including the following components:

  • Your unacceptance of drug usage while on the job
  • Consequences if any member is found engaged in substance abuse
  • Accurate information if your business offers treatment and rehab services
  • If it’s allowed to consume any form of drugs during work parties or picnics
  • Acknowledge the possibility of encountering a positive drug test and that it’s treated in full confidentiality

How to Help Employees Get Treatment? – Best Practices Worth Trying

Hiring folks who abuse drugs frequently can bring catastrophic results on your business. One of the national surveys conducted by the Ministry for Social Justice and Empowerment, more than 5.4% of the Indian population suffers from drug addiction, which is surely alarming.

If you suspect any of your coworkers are abusing drugs, try the following measures to help your member come back to being a productive employee and achieve satisfaction at work:

  • You are implementing comprehensive programs and policies against drug usage within your workplace.
  • We are educating them about the benefits of various treatment plans for drug addiction and prevention.
  • Adopting fair employment practices, pursuing good management practices, and carefully organizing work can minimize mental stress and create a healthy work environment.
  • Ensure that you’re similarly treating these employees to other members to avoid biasing. Giving them employee benefits like paid sick leave, annual leave, etc. can further help.

Why Cadabam’s?

Cadabams offers you the services of experienced doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists etc., who come with nearly two decades of experience and hold expertise in different disciplines of the medical domain. These professionals help you enroll in the right treatment program that’s designed to help eliminate the substance from your body and help you cope with the withdrawal symptoms.

Our mental health experts continuously encourage you to help fight drug addiction and avoid relapse. Counseling sessions offered by our experts help you develop various life skills and strengthen your interpersonal relationships with others in your vicinity.

If you are searching for a solution to your problem, Cadabams Anunitha’s De-Addiction Centre can help you with its team of specialized experts. We have been helping thousands of people live healthier and happier lives for 30+ years. We leverage evidence-based approaches and holistic treatment methods to help individuals effectively manage workplace drug abuse. Get in touch with us today. You can call us at +91 96111 94949.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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1. Is it easy to get addicted to drugs?

Yes and No. It depends on a lot of factors like – your biology (genes, etc.), your age, gender, and others. While one individual can consume drugs multiple times and yet see no ill effects, another individual can experience drug addiction symptoms right after the first use or after a few uses.

2. Are there any treatment options available for drug abuse?

Yes, there are many treatment options available for the prevention of drug addiction, like behavioral therapies, medications, and more, which have proven their effectiveness for treating drug abuse. The treatment of every individual is unique and depends on the type of drug(s) being consumed by them.

3. How to prevent substance abuse in the workplace?

To give your employees a healthy environment and prevent drug abuse at your workplace, you must:

  • Have a written policy stating guidelines for unacceptance to substance abuse
  • Educate your employees against the consequences of consuming drugs regularly

What happens if they are found abusing drugs or any substance and flouting the work policies Frequently perform drug testing on your workforce.

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