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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy To Treat Depression

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Let us talk about depression. It can be difficult to go through, especially if you are alone. It often results in suicidal thoughts and low self-worth and self-esteem. Depression is, however, treatable. There are many ways to treat depression, including antidepressants and other psychiatric medicines. One of them is cognitive behavioural therapy- CBT To Treat Depression.

CBT To Treat Depression – What Is It?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy where you are taught to deal with and overcome depression by changing the way you think, behave and react to certain situations.

How Does It Work?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy helps you change the way you react to stressful and overwhelming situations by breaking down the situation into smaller parts, to try and understand it better. When stressed, you might tend to overreact to a situation or interpret it incorrectly.

CBT requires you to introspect and react accordingly. You may break down the situation into five parts- situations, thoughts, emotions, physical feelings/reaction and finally, actions.

All of the above five are interrelated, and the way you react to one influences your reaction to the other. It is important that you interpret these in a helpful manner rather than in an unhelpful way, focusing on the positive rather than the negative.

How you think and perceive the situation will affect how you feel and behave. Your actions and feelings will be influenced by your thoughts.

Looking at the situation negatively will result in you feeling uncomfortable or behaving in a way that upsets you.

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What Does It Involve?

CBT will involve regular or fortnightly sessions with your therapist, where he might ask you to keep a diary for retrospection. You will first check with yourself whether or not you are comfortable with this method of treatment.

The therapist will help you recognize whether your thoughts are helpful or unhelpful, and how to change the unhelpful thoughts.

Why Treating Depression With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

CBT has been proven to be one of the most effective treatments for depression. It is the most worthwhile physiological treatment for moderate and severe depression and works as effectively as antidepressants.

It must be kept in mind, however, that CBT is not an immediate and quick solution to depression. It takes time and effort. You do not have to deal with depression alone. Neither does anyone else.

If you know anyone that is going through depression, urge them to seek help and get better.


Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma

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If you need more information about CBT To Treat Depression or have any queries mail your queries to You can ask us any query you may have at info@localhost. Or visit us at Cadabam’s. Alternatively, you call at our 24/7 helpline number- +91 96111 94949.

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