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Is Schizophrenia Genetic?

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All of us are aware of how genetics plays an important role in various illnesses. But, have you ever imagined as to what has heredity to do with Schizophrenia? This is one of the common questions many people ask whether schizophrenia is a hereditary disease. The answer is yes and no! Yes, Schizophrenia does have a genetic element. However, once cannot blame one’s schizophrenia completely on the genetics. Schizophrenia is a severe chronic condition and a mental disorder which causes people to illuminate reality in unusual ways.

Researchers have shown that genetics is one of the possible factors in humans for developing Schizophrenia and, it is not completely a genetic disorder. It depends on the history of the family as to why a person develops such a mental condition. And, moreover, it might be an important one too. This disorder runs in families and there is a likelihood of people within that family developing this illness. Just like other illnesses, schizophrenia might appear as a result of the physical and hormonal changes in the human body.

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Research findings show that you are more likely to develop schizophrenia if you have a relative identified as schizophrenic. As per the research history, the general public is at a risk of 1 percent chance to develop schizophrenia, whereas the chances are higher around 40 percent with schizophrenic parents and siblings.

Role of Genes in Schizophrenia

Scientists are trying hard to unravel the genes that are responsible for developing schizophrenia. And, it is estimated over 280 genes known to be responsible for this disorder. The symptoms appear once the genes start to malfunction.
In September 2004, Dr. Daniel Weinberger, Director at the National Institute of Mental Health determined that there are approximately 10 number of gene variations linked to schizophrenia. These variations are identified in every population and, with their increase, there are more chances of a person to develop schizophrenia.
Certainly, genetics stays as a major part of this enigma, but it alone does not explains the emergence of schizophrenia. Environmental factors also contribute to the development of this disorder. They are high stress, birth complications, substance abusers, etc.

A person diagnosed with Schizophrenia experiences different symptoms like-

  • Delusional thoughts
  • Hallucinations
  • Emotional flatness
  • Lack of speech
  • Apathy
  • Withdraw from social interactions
  • Feeling irritated and angry
  • Develop a bizarre or peculiar behavior, etc.

If you or any of your loved one is in crisis and experiencing the above symptoms then it is advisable you help them seek a mental health professional or a medical counselor immediately.

Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma
Take the first step

Though Schizophrenia is not completely curable, but yes there are ways to manage this kind of illness. Improvement is possible through various rehabilitation programs and medications. The treatment options here includes medication,psychotherapies, counseling, psychological rehabilitation programs, self-help groups,etc. Rehabilitation helps a person to regain his skills and confidence to live his life productively.

Know more about schizophrenia and its ill-effects on health. To seek proper medical guidance and psychological assistance from our best psychiatrists and psychologists, call us @+919611194949.

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