Hailing from Delhi, India, Nidhi Gupta is an experienced professional working as a clinical psychologist at Cadabams Group. With over 3 years of experience in treating a diverse range of mental health disorders, Nidhi brings with her a wide range of skills. She specializes in treating mental health disorders faced by children and adolescents while also addressing concerns faced by those who battle addiction.
Illnesses treated by this professional
Nidhi completed her M.Phil in Clinical Psychology in 2018 from the Gautam Buddha University in Greater Noida. Prior to this, she held a Master of Arts in Psychology which she obtained from Amity University in 2013. She has presented papers at multiple conferences and even won the Best Paper Award for her paper “Coping Strategies and Resilience among parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder & Learning Disabilities” at the 45th National Annual Conference of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologist, NIEPVD, Dehradun, Uttarakhand in 2019.