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Rehabilitation Centre for Depression

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Depression is a mental health disorder that severely affects an individual’s life. People with depression can’t recover from it all on their own. It requires a holistic approach to identify their symptoms and offer treatment to it.

According to a survey conducted by WHO, about 300 million people in the world suffer from depression; yet we don’t talk about it due to the stigma surrounding it. Unfortunately, very few of them have access to treatment or rehabilitation for depression.

At Cadabam’s, we understand that each individual has unique treatment needs and offer depression treatment programs completely personalized for them. Our team of world-class psychiatrists and mental health care professionals will work closely with you and help you get back to a healthy and fulfilling life.

We ensure that we address every issue that has contributed to your current situation and help you make peace with them. The cause of your depression may be rooted in your childhood or may involve a current or co-occurring issue in your life, such as substance abuse, eating disorder, etc.

We, at Cadabam’s, offer the best depression treatment in Bangalore to help you manage your depression and lead a more fulfilling life.

The Need for Depression Rehab & Treatment

Problems in relationships or at the workplace, broken marriages, broken families or death of a loved one are a few reasons that may lead a person to go into an intense depression. In such scenarios just medication and counseling prove to be insufficient

long term residential treatment for depression is required. A person in such an intense depressed state is unable to focus on his work or studies. Long term rehab can help the patient recover their faith in life and get back on track.

What Makes Rehabilitation Centres so Effective?

Effective rehabilitation is about holistic treatment. It is about helping people to make lifestyle changes that will support a future recovery.

Rehab treatment is geared towards teaching patients how to live fruitful lives that feel wholesome, meaningful and productive, they have a precious commodity that they don’t want to tarnish or lose.  

The goal of any quality rehab treatment is to teach people to cope with emotions, to communicate effectively with those around them and to handle the everyday pressures of life.

As with chronic disorders such as depression, it’s advisable that the rehab treatment you choose includes talking therapy, psychotherapy, sessions as well as medication to deal with depression.

Rehab treatment generally works together with a large staff as therapists, medical experts, counsellors, clergy and other advisors may also be part of the rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation centre for depression provides physical and occupational therapies, accompanied by medications and intense medical care, evidence-based interventions in an environment that helps the person recover slowly, but with far-reaching effects.

it addresses the root causes of depression such as childhood trauma or substance abuse.

If you or someone you know is suffering mental complexity such as Depression, it is the right time to consider visiting the rehabilitation centre for depression to get the best help.

The professionals not only help alleviate the depressive episode but they also help you with the tools to prevent future relapses.

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Benefits of Visiting a Rehabilitation Centre for Depression

Typically, depression treatment involves psychotherapy, medication or a combination of both. Sometimes, electroconvulsive therapy or ECT may also be used. Depression is a treatable condition, and the treatment works more effectively if the condition is identified quickly and dealt with.

Depression affects people in different ways. Each individual will have unique experience with the condition.

Therefore, rehabilitation centres for depression follow a thorough evaluation procedure to identify the symptoms and work with the patients to come up with an appropriate treatment plan for their needs.

Inpatient rehabs for depression are usually recommended when the patient finds it tough to cope with their depression even with counselling or a medication regime. It is crucial to have a secure setting, where the underlying issues can be safely explored and addressed.

Inpatient rehab programs can help in the effective management of depression as they allow patients to live at the rehab facility and provide 24-hour support, counselling, supervised medication administration and a stable environment for faster recovery.

The following are some other benefits that treatment at rehabilitation centres offer.

You will Gain more Confidence in Life

During your stint at the rehab, the professionals working there will help you make lifestyle changes towards being more involved in work and life.

This is especially important when dealing with factors that compound depression such as substance abuse. The right level of physical activity and involvement can help you fight health issues that may arise due to a sedentary lifestyle.  

You will become more Active at Work and in Life

You’ll be able to learn new skills that will help you deal with depression on your own. From avoiding substances to cutting off toxic ties and grounding exercises, the skills you learn will help you prevent a relapse into your depressed state.

You can Learn New Coping Skills to Manage Depression

You’ll be able to learn new skills that will help you deal with depression on your own. From avoiding substances to cutting off toxic ties and grounding exercises, the skills you learn will help you prevent a relapse into your depressed state.

You will Feel a Sense of Relief

When you are going through health issues, you are facing a lot of pain. This can hamper you in several ways. When you are taking help from the professional, you will feel less strained. All the problems start vanishing in a natural way.

You get Continuum of Support

Continued care, or aftercare, is the guidance and support available to the person once their treatment in rehab is completed. It offers the availability of programs and support groups to aid the transition back to life outside the rehab centre.

It ensures that even after the stint at rehab, you are able to maintain your recovery and progress. It enables a space where you can grow as a person and not fall back into your negative thought patterns.

Book screening with our director of triage,  Kamlesh Verma
Take the first step

When Do You Need to Seek Rehab for Depression?

The risks of depression can significantly increase if you don’t seek depression treatment in time. These risks can have far-reaching effects on your physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. It can also damage their career, relationships and hamper your daily life.

People with depression become more likely to indulge in substance abuse and risky behaviours. Moreover, they are at a higher risk of committing suicide.

Although depression may start off benign, it will gradually rob the happiness and vibrancy of your life.

So, how can one be sure that treatment is necessary? Watch out for these signs and symptoms that indicate it’s time to seek professional help:

  • Persistent low mood or feeling of sadness that continues day after day
  • Low energy or fatigue
  • Loss of interest in things and activities that were once enjoyable
  • Changes in sleep patterns: insomnia or oversleeping
  • Trouble focusing and making decisions
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Changes in appetite and weight
  • Having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of death in general
  • Developing compulsive behaviours, such as substance abuse
  • Going through regular life, work and relationships seems like a struggle

It is crucial to keep a pulse on mental and behavioural health just as we do for our physical health. If you or someone you know is experiencing the symptoms of depression, it is time to prioritise mental health.

Get Help Now

Identifying the signs of depression during the early stages is of critical importance to stop the symptoms from aggravating. If you or a loved one is dealing with depression, seek help as early as possible, do ask us at

visit us at Cadabam’s. Alternatively, Call us @ 96111 94949 to learn more about Depression rehab and treatment options.

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